Tactics, Strategies, and the Struggle for Independence: Questions and Reflections
Embedded within all revolutionary processes are struggles for land, political consciousness, and self-determination.
Embedded within all revolutionary processes are struggles for land, political consciousness, and self-determination.
The political writing of the oppressed is a key battle in the revolutionary struggle.
The relationship between the political and personal requires one to choose a side.
Since 2002, Shakur has been a captive political prisoner organizing across prison bars.
After an attack on his life,, Shaka starts a new organizing campaign.
On the strategic significance of fostering coalitions that cross prison bars.
Shakur writes for the Bay View National Black Newspaper about the new prison struggle.
Shakur speaks on Sanyika Shakur, the New Afrikan Prisoner Movement, and other relatively unknown but significant theorists and organizers in the prison struggle.