Red Onion Crisis Symptom of Disease of u.s. Mass Incarceration System

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Shaka A. Shakur spent over 13 years in captivity in several Super-Maximum Security Prisons. As a child, Shaka was charged as an adult and spent 10 years in solitary confinement at the Maximum Control Complex in Westville, Indiana, under conditions of isolation, sensory deprivation, and physical torture. He also endured suffering at the barbaric Boscobel Supermax Prison in Wisconsin.

In this video, Shaka speaks about the day-to-day reality of life in supermax prisons, the inability to receive any mental health or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment once transferred to general population, and the overall lack of re-entry resources available by the state. This speaks to the real function of prisons in the u.s., which is not to reform but to repress, not to enhance but to exploit.

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Transcript available soon.

For those able, attend The Virginia Defender‘s first public event about this ongoing crisis!