“It Only Takes A Spark:” Solidarity With The Virginia 9!

Sometimes it only takes a spark to ignite a forest fire.

On March 11, several young comrades between the ages of 21 and 30 staged an act of resistance in support of Palestine by cuffing themselves together, walking out into ongoing traffic, and shutting down I-95 South in Richmond, Virginia. This was their way of bringing more attention to the slaughter and genocide being perpetrated by the Israeli government and its military forces. It brought traffic to a standstill for hours.

Arrests were made after a four-hour standoff between protesters and the cops, and most of those arrested were booked and jailed until their bond hearing the next day. Altogether, nine people were charged as a result, some with various misdemeanors and one with an infraction. All but one have been issued a public defender, with the first court hearing scheduled for late May.

Altogether, there were nine people participating in this direct action, which was accompanied by a larger protest nearby in solidarity.

Sometimes people have to have the courage to do the things they might not want to do, or take the risk they might not want to take, including that of personal sacrifices; but isn’t that in essence what the struggle represents?

  • Let’s ignite the spark for freedom!
  • Let’s ignite the spark for prison abolition!
  • Let’s ignite the spark to free all Political Prisoners!
  • Let’s ignite the spark to shut down and abolish the u.s. military industrial complex!
  • Let’s ignite the spark to destroy kapitalism and imperialism!
  • Let’s ignite the global spark to free all oppressed and colonized people’s and land!
  • Let’s free Haiti, no neo-kolonial intervention or invasion!
  • Let’s ignite the spark for global revolution and FREE US ALL!!!!

Support the VA. 9 and demand that all charges be dropped!!!!

In Solidarity,

Shaka Shakur, PP

Sign and share the petition to grant Shaka Shakur clemency now!