Contact Shaka

Below are several ways to contact Shaka A. Shakur directly. If you want to get involved or learn more about the Shaka Shakur Freedom Campaign, click here!

Write to Comrade Shaka

One of the easiest yet most significant things anyone can do right now, or today, is send a letter to our comrade and fellow freedom fighter Shaka Shakur. Shaka is genuinely interested in hearing the experiences, perspectives, and stories of his fellow human beings.

The point of the mass incarceration system is to isolate Black, Brown, indigenous, poor, working-class, and all oppressed people from each other. This has devastating impacts on those behind bars and on our ability to build a world without prisons; where we are all truly free. Thus, writing a letter to Shaka is a profound act of genuine solidarity.

Let Shaka know you’re thinking about him, that you stand with him, and that you are fighting–or down to start fighting for fighting–for him!

How to Contact Shaka A. Shakur


The most efficient (and free) way to communicate directly with Shaka is through his email:

You can also write to Shaka through his VDOC email: To do so, visit JPay to set up an account, and then add Shaka Shakur to your recipient list by searching for DOC #1996207.


You can also send correspondence via USPS mail at the following addresses:

For letters 3 pages or less:

Shaka Shakur #1996207
Buckingham Correctional Center
P.O. Box 430
Dillwyn, VA23936
United States

For correspondence exceeding three pages:

VADOC Centralized Mail Distribution Center
Shaka Shakur #1996207
3521 Woods Way
State Farm, VA 23160

*Please note: There are NO Shaka Shakur social media pages through which representatives of the Shaka Shakur Freedom Campaign interact with or contact supporters.